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Tommy uses the magic of
Ross Noards' metal work
exclusively for his builds.
Here's a brief look at just some examples of his talent
This frame was modified to be able to accommodate the customer's 20 over springer and still maintain a 4" trail measurement. The finshed bike was nimble as a stock 750. Very light to the touch and no wheel flop.
This tank was hand built to match customer's design and dimensions.
This is the finished bike with the above frame and tank.
Hand formed stainless battery and electrical box . Contains battery, rectifier/ regulator, fuse block and switches.
Modified sport bike wheel to eliminate cush drive as well as space the sprocket out for chain clearance.
Frenched tailight and license plate into a 7" fender.
Fabricateded bracket and mounts to mount stock wheel and brakes into a grasshopper springer

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